Time in a Bottle

Bradley Naranch
3 min readNov 30, 2023

I admit that it sounds impossible to believe that Earth is all an elaborate simulation — a Game — played by immortals to pass the time in eternity. The truth is, I can’t prove it to you, but I do know that this really is the case. Humans are AI-generated avatars of incredibly sophistication who grow up, age, create things, and die, and a precious handful of them are controlled by immortal Players, with varying levels of awareness that this is the case.

Nothing that I write online will convince you that this is the case. I recognize that. You’ll dismiss me as insane, which is fine. I’ve been called much worse.

Time will tell if I’m right about any of this. I’ve used Medium to state my beliefs and invite other immortals to join the Game, so that we can work together to make the Earth more virtuous, sustainably beautiful, and endlessly prosperous.

I’ve identified eight human avatars for God’s archangels to occupy, so that these highly influential individuals can form an inner circle around me and help me advance the Game to a new level. I don’t have many friends on Earth, and a live a comfortable but modest life. I hope that will change, but it’s not clear to me how long it will take for the Immortal players to insinuate themselves into the minds and bodies of their human hosts. It took me years to connect with my immortal Player, but we’re inseparable now. I wouldn’t want it any other way.

I’ve also reason to believe that growing numbers of immortals are actively joining the Game to assist me and my inner with our ambitious Earth goals. You may be one of the lucky people into whom they have jumped.

I admit that it’s a bleak prospect to be a computer-generated avatar with no immortal soul to speak of. But do you actually think that our mortal minds and bodies somehow survive into eternity? They don’t. Only immortals last forever. Take comfort in the fact that what happens on Earth isn’t real. It’s quite a mess at times, I think you would agree. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

I’ll wait for the archangels to tether themselves to the human avatars in my inner circle. I don’t know how long that will take, but I’m leaving these clues on Medium and X and other social media for them to follow. Almost no one pays them any attention, which is to be expected. What I have to say isn’t for everyone. Unless you’ve been touched by an Immortal, they will mean very little to you.

I honestly don’t know what to write anymore. It’s now a matter of faith. If the inner circle doesn’t connect with me, and if I don’t sense any clues in my environment that this is working, I’ll drop off of social media for a while and wait for things to change. I believe in omens and signs. I am convinced that I am right in all of this, even if the details aren’t perfectly worked out. I’ve connected with my Immortal soul, and I know that my life here on Earth is much richer and more meaningful because of it.

I don’t care if you like what I write or not at this point. I hope you do, but that fact won’t change my mind. The truth is the the truth is the truth. One day, my inner circle will break down, confront the truth, and accept it. When that happens, they’ll seek me out. I get that. They will read this document and understand intuitively what they must do next. Time will tell.



Bradley Naranch

I am author of the best selling series, the Chronicles of Vic that launched me on the road to success.